How to Find an Offshore Rigs Roustabout Job Fast

One of the most common jobs that you can get on an offshore oil rig--or even a land based one--is the roustabout job. These are plentiful positions that are entry-level and give you a chance to prove what you're capable of and how fast you learn.

The drilling crews in deepwater explorations are always looking for qualified people to help them on the platform. They are also looking for qualified personnel to help in some of the less skilled aspects of the offshore drilling rigs. Those positions are called the roustabout job. They are also sometimes given the title of roughneck or floorhand.

The roustabout job will pay you about 50-60 thousand dollars a year, which for unskilled labor is literally unheard of. You're going to be working hard, there are no arguments from anyone who has ever done this kind of a job. Twelve hour days are common in roustabout jobs and you will generally work 2-4 weeks prior to having a day off.

When you do get your time off, it will be the same amount of time that you spent working. For example if you work 21 days, you're going to get 21 days off. That means that your days at work will be about half what regular workers spend on their jobs and you're going to be compensated a lot more for those days.

Your days will be spent doing a great many different tasks. Generally you're going to be responsible for maintenance. Painting, rust scraping and a lot of other manual tasks go into roustabout jobs. The water in offshore or deepwater rigs is salty in nature. Rust sets in and other things need to be tended to on a regular basis. While the work is sometimes hard, and you may be working in very high temperatures or in very low ones, you are well compensated for the tasks that you do.

Vacancies in Roustabout jobs are fairly frequent. In all honesty, some people simply aren't cut out for the work. There is no getting around that you put out a long day for your wages, but there is also no getting around that you are treated fairly, paid well, and given excellent benefits for what you accomplish.

The best part about a roustabout job is that you're going to be a trainee of sorts. You will be given the chance to learn, to evolve in what you know, and to move up the ladder in generally a year or two. You may be doing drilling work three years from now.

Many times roustabout jobs turn into other jobs in just a few months time if you show an aptitude for something more. Getting in on the ground floor is a little easier if you have any technical kinds of experience such as welding, pipe fitting, or electrical experience. You might add those to your resume when you make it in order to qualify better for a roustabout job on an offshore rig.

Julian Gaston

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