High Paying AdSense Keyword - A Strong Way to Increase AdSense Revenue
The AdWords prices are not, what the publishers get from the AdSense clicks, but they give a strong idea about the income chances from different keywords. So if an AdWords ad is expensive, it must also be a high paying AdSense keyword, i.e. it gives a higher income per click.
1. Google Puts The Ads According To Your Instructions.
Now when you have picked one high paying AdSense keyword, you have to optimize your page or blog posts using that particular keyword only. In this way, you let Google to know, which is the keyword or topic your story is about. And remember, that you can use a long tail search term, which will give you 1 cent or 1 dollar per click or even a higher sum if you have chosen the search term right.
It is also important to check whether your keyword has enough advertisers, because if there is only one, it means that the advertiser gets the ad with a very low price and you will be left without AdSense income. Another bad thing can be that the ads on your page will not be about the topic you want but about whatever category, which has the same target group.
2. Google Free Keyword Tool Includes Ad Costs.
I strongly prefer so called long tail keywords, because they are more accurate and include more independent keywords. When you do the keyword research, do it with Google Keyword Tool, which is free and which includes also the estimated ad costs.
With Google Keyword Tool you can also check, how many visitors will land on the particular page. This is useful, because you do not need a high paying AdSense keyword, which has nil or a very modest amount of traffic. The idea is to optimize the choice between the traffic figure, the strength of the competition and the ad price.
3. You Have To Choose AdSense Only or AdSense And Links.
If you market some affiliate programs through product links on your page or post plus want a decent AdSense income or to increase AdSense revenue, you have to think, whether it is wise to split the visitor interest between AdSense ads and the product links.
If I have understood right, the ideal situation would be either AdSense or product links, but not both. I think this idea is based on the thought that an average visitor will click only once during the site visit. When the AdSense ads are very good attention grabbers, they will get the clicks. Another reason is, that it is free to click AdSense.
Actually I use AdSense and product links together. It is very difficult to judge, whether another group will suffer but I think that the product links will suffer. However the idea of every commercial site is to earn money and because my AdSense income is good, I will keep the situation as such.
The idea of every action we do, is to maximize the profits. A high paying AdSense keyword is a good way to do this. What it takes is some keyword research, but the reward is a long term one. If every keyword pay per click will be five or ten times higher, it will increase AdSense revenue to a new level.
by : Juhani Tontti
Tags: adsense revenue, adwords, internet and businesses online

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