Inversion Therapy Can Reduce Stress, Improve Blood Circulation and More

Inversion Therapy can help you relieve back pain in several ways. If you back pain is located in the lower region of your back it can be due to compressed spinal vertebras. Inversion Therapy works to release the pressure of the spine thus removing the pressure from the spine and releasing the compression on those vertebras.

Over time simple or complex movements can cause the vertebra to compress and stick together like magnets. By stretching and relieving the pressure from the spine the vertebra can heal itself by decompressing the compressed vertebra.

Inversion Therapy is great as temporary and long lasting results for many years to come. Inversion therapy has more than just those benefits on the body. If you suffer from low blood circulation or stiff muscles Inversion therapy can help you in these areas of life as well.

The way the inversion therapy works is the user will strap themselves into an inversion table like the lifegear inversion table because then they tilt their bodies upside down to allow the pressure to move towards the head and off the back and feet.

Runners, people with back pain, people with low blood circulation and many other types of bodily issues can be corrected by using an inversion table like the one just mentioned.

Gymnast will also use an inversion table to help them gain better flexibility. While using the inversion table the user can perform certain stretching exercises that are impossible to perform in a standard upright position.

If you suffer poor posture using inversion table can assist in realigning your spine by using the inverted movement to remove pressure from the spine.

You see that I mention that by relieving the pressure from the spine that your body can recouped from many of the daily exercise strains.

Inversion therapy has many different positive impacts on our bodies. One of the major unknown factors about inversion tables are that they are great at reducing everyday stress. Did you know that pain in your neck, back, arms, legs, etc are mostly caused by poor blood circulation to those areas? Improving the blood circulation improves the amount of relief in those areas by simply using an inversion table.

Want to slow brain deterioration? The body needs a constant supply of oxygen pumping to all the vital organs to maintain a normal function of life. If you slow the flow of oxygen or blood to one organ the other will soon follow. The brain is largest portion of oxygen intake used by your body. As we know the heart pumps the blood throughout the body and we also know that heart is below the brain in the body. What you probably didn't know is that the heart has to work twice as hard to supply the brain with its much needed oxygen supply. Over time our arteries take a beating from high cholesterol, high blood pressures, diminishing blood circulation so our brains will being to deteriorate.
Inversion therapy works to reverse this process by allowing gravity to reverse flow and flood the brain with rich nutrients that it needs to run on all cylinders.

by: Chris Wheelous

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