Anchorman Quotes
The movie Anchorman was indeed one of the most hilarious slapstick movies that I have seen and there was something unique about it as well as the actor, the lead actor I should say, was also behind the writing of the script of the movie and when we realize that it was part written by Will Ferrel then we know that it is going to be one heck of a funny movie to watch. Some or actually most of the Anchorman quotes aren’t couture to say out in case a child might be reading this but I will try to cover the Anchorman quotes with a little bit of icing – replace certain words with others – and then present them to you. The first and funniest of the Anchorman quotes is: “I’m going to straight up murder your (behind)” , obviously out of context it doesn’t sound so funny but then we should all refresh out memories with a second watching of the movie and see how funny it is. There are many more Anchorman quotes which I would like to put in but just can’t due to profanity but there is this one here which is funny when Veronica mentions “This is pathetic” Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrel) turns to her and says “You’re pathetic!” That indeed was a funny one as it was just so spontaneous, well like much of the things Will does in the movie but the way he just changes the attention to her and makes people laugh. There were some ordinary parts of the movie as well which made it come down from it’s overall peak but that is to be expected in every movie.
Tags: anchorman, Anchorman Quotes, christina applegate
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