Steal Nevada : Did Harry Reid Steal Nevada? Sharron Angle Concedes
Did Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid steal Nevada from Sharron Angle? The term “Steal Nevada” has topped Google Trends which indicates Senate leader Harry Reid may have stolen last night’s election from Tea party favorite Sharron Angle. Harry Reid is believed to have cheated to gain victory because the pre election polls showed that Sharron Angle was 4 points ahead and later on Reid went on to win a marginal victory. When the voting began, reports from Clark County, which is home to three quarters of Nevada residents, confirmed that the electronic voting machines automatically checked Harry Reid’s name. Reports even state that Reid has been endowing voters with presents and hampers and goodies for their support. All are pointing at Reid’s son Rory who is a county commissioner and is susceptible to such actions. The technicians servicing the electronic ballot machines are members of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), which spent $44 million in this election cycle, majority of which went to the democrats. The same union was behind the thousands of invalid and unidentified voter registrations across the whole nation. In a piece entitled Hard Data Supporting Fraudulent Activity in Nevada Election, in the case of the Harry Reid-Sharron Angle race, the result differed from the pre-election polls by a massive swing of up to 9 percent, which shows“a great deviation not only outside of the consistently polled trends but well beyond the margin of error.” After the innumerable suspicious circumstances surrounding the Nevada race, the search term “steal Nevada” shot to number one spot on Google Trends.
Tags: election results 2010, nancy pelosi, pelosi, pelosi election, reid steal nevada

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