Mesothelioma - The Symptoms You Can Expect And What Can Be Done About The Disease
Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is associated with exposure to asbestos. To get the appropriate Mesothelioma treatment, one needs to understand the cancer symptoms associated with the disease.
There is an old saying about being careful when something seems to be too good to be true. Well, this was certainly the case when it came to asbestos. For all intent, it seemed like an absolutely amazing wonder material. Here was something you could dig out of the ground that basically didn't burn and could be used to insulate against heat. It was soon being used in engine rooms, buildings as a fire resistant practice and even in clothing.
As we know now, there is one rather major problem with asbestos. It has been found to be the primary cause of Mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer. It gets its long, difficult name from the part of the body where the growths occur - the mesothelium. This is a lining that runs through the chest and abdomen cavity and surrounds most of the organs in these areas. The linking serves as a lubricating surface between the body parts as they move, which protects them. Mesothelioma is a cancer in this linking.
What are the Mesothelioma cancer symptoms? Well, the question is harder to answer than you might imagine. The problem is the cancer grows for between 15 and 40 years without showing any symptoms. When it begins to do so, the cancer is so far advanced that survival rates are discouragingly low. The first of these symptoms is usually a nasty cough. This is followed by blood in the cough or breathing problems. Night fevers and weight loss then comes on. The reason for all this? The lining is no longer functioning correctly because it is expanding quickly due to cancer cell growth.
It is important to note that the above describe Mesothelioma found in the chest, which is the most common form. You can also get it in the abdomen and as low as the groin area. In these situations, the symptoms are usually swelling and pain along with the loss of weight and fatigue. If you feel pain in the abdomen, groin or chest, you should always confer with a doctor regardless of whether the concern is Mesothelioma or something else. Pain in these areas is not a good sign!
Diagnosing Mesothelioma cancer symptoms immediately is critical. Why? Treatment must be undertaken as quickly as possible. A matter of weeks can be the difference between dying or surviving the scourge of asbestos caused cancer.
Tags: health-and-fitness, Mesothelioma Diagnosed

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1 Respones to "Mesothelioma - The Symptoms You Can Expect And What Can Be Done About The Disease"
selam friend
December 13, 2010 at 7:49 PM
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