HIMYM – What’s the difference between peanut butter and jam?
Actually, before we get to that joke’s punchline, I wanted to mention that this episode goes down as both the worst and the best examples of hiding pregnancies on a TV show ever. The worst because Robin clearly looked very pregnant throughout the episode, with no real humor thrown in to make it laughable (like Lily overeating, for example). The best because of the peanut butter/jam joke being so vile that it caused Lily to conveniently disappear for four weeks.
As to the punchline to the aforementioned joke? Wait for it …
… you can’t peanut butter your dick up someone’s ass.
As for the rest of the episode, I related to the fantasy sports thing a bit. I did a bit of fantasy football in my day, but luckily for the people I was up against, there wasn’t thousands of dollars at stake. The office I work at now isn’t really big enough to have “that guy,” really. In past jobs I can think of a few “that guys” who really would rather they weren’t known as “that guy,” like “smelly guy” and “guy who doesn’t wash his hands after going to the bathroom guy.”
Something that’s worth talking about in another post would be how Ted’s situation parallels with Michael Scott of The Office this season, both of them going the route of starting their own businesses in the wake of being laid off or quitting. It was only a matter of time before current shows would start longer themes around being without a job — even Marshall and Barney were using their “that guy” scheme to help secure Marshall’s position at GNB.
It looks like they’re gearing up for Barney and Robin to finally hook up come the end of this season, with only Ted not knowing of his secret (well, besides Robin, that is). And I agree with Marshall and Lily: they’re kinda perfect for each other.
Source - cliqueclack.com
Tags: badoo.nl, cam4, ciaoamigos, ciaoamigos.it, fellow

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