Miley Cyrus Smoking Bong Video
Miley Cyrus smoked a pipe at a party in Los Angeles shortly after her 18th birthday, and now has surfaced.In video clip, Cyrus is taking a hit with an unidentified group of friends. According to TMZ, the substance is the sage, a natural herb psychedelic.gonna the document w out this time “). At one point, Cyrus says that someone off-camera looks like her boyfriend Liam Hemsworth and then wonder if the bong hit caused the confusion
Posssession of Salvis is legal in California and the video is believed to have been killed by one of the friends of Miley and was later stolen or copied camera.Salvia a natural herb that is legal and is a well-known plant with a powerful hallucinogenic psychoactive . So she does not get in legal trouble, but it sure is stupid! The video was allegedly stolen from friends phone.The website reported that sources told them the star of Hannah Montana was not smoking marijuana, but instead of sage, an herb, said to have hallucinogenic qualities (and yes, it is legal in California . states that Salvia is an herb Divinonum legal, undetectable natural inducing psychedelic effects such as uncontrollable laughter, feelings of movement and overlapping realities for smoker.Miley s Dad ‘by Billy Ray Cyrus, has posted on Twitter that he is sad to see this video. He said: “Sorry guys. I had no idea. I just saw these things for myself first. I’m so sad. There is much beyond my control at this time.”
Tags: Entertainment, miley cyrus

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